Items for eligibility to file a claim


Injured Party

To file a claim in a state sponsor of terrorism case you must be an injured party.  For our purposes that means you either must have been personally injured by the terrorist attack, or had a close family member that lost their life in the attack.  

What Types Of Injuries Are We Considering for Representation?

Personal injuries that have resulted in sever health problems that are chronic or are life debilitating.  For example, loss of limb or loss of mobility as a direct cause of said injuries, cancer or other life threatening injury where it has been predetermined by medical professionals  that the condition was directly related to the terrorist attack.  At this time, we are not considering emotional injuries.

Who Qualifies As A Close Family Member?

In order to sue for the wrongful death of a family member of a terrorist attack the law requires that you be either the spouse of, child of, sibling of, and in some cases the step-sibling of, or parent of the decedent who was alive at the time the decedent was killed by the attack.  

What If The Qualifying Family Member Of The Decedent Is Dead?

If there is a qualifying close family member of the decedent who is dead, a personal representative of the estate may sue on that qualifying close family members behalf.  The qualifying close family member must have been alive at the time of the terrorist attack and experienced the pain and suffering associated with the death of their loved one.  

What must you have to verify your eligibility?

If your claim relates to your own injuries, you must have medical records and medical opinions to back up your claim.  If you are a qualifying close family member, you could supply a death, marriage, or birth certificate, or any other document that sufficiently establishes the relationship with the decedent.